Saturday, September 26, 2020

An Ode to SPB


A melodious voice,

that drove us through

the myriad of emotions.

A voice that became our companion throughout

the bumpy ride on roads.

A soulful voice , that made us live and love every moment of life.

A voice that is irreparable, melodious and above all divine.

The voice that probably led God envy and hence took it away,

A voice which will be immortal and forever remain with us .

How I wish that life had a  playback and we could get back the synonym of music.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Psalm of Life.

 If I'm gone don't be sad for me,

For I'm in the arms of the Lord.

I heard his call & forgot all,

And moved my way to the mighty hall.

I couldn't be with you,

To see the new sunshine.

Life is short & quickly had to pass,

Leaving behind all the undone task.

If you miss me,

Do not grieve.

Fill your memories with, 

the beautiful thought,

That we enjoyed every moment & I too will miss them all.

Never bind yourself with the chain of sorrow,

For who knows what is in store for tomorrow.

I have led a bountiful life,

And have no regrets for this plight.

My life was short,

For God had some other plan.

He chose me out of so many,

For he loved me more than anybody.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Tribute to Teachers'

Teachers guide our path,
Which is never taught.
They guide us with love and care,
So that we dare, 
To cross all the hurdles,
Without any burden.
With ease we flow,
To reach the shore.
They gave their best,
Inspite of various tests.
They are always there for you,
Whenever you seek their view.
They expect nothing,
Yet give you everything.
Teachers enlighten the path, 
And build a Nation which is very strong.
My humble salutations 
to all the teachers, who have dedicated themselves to 
such a noble cause.

Sheela Narasimhan

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mother Earth

Save Mother Earth🌎

Hey mankind!  Wait, pause and ponder.
As such a day is not in yonder,
When the Earth is covered from head to toe,
With garbage, oil, grease and drains that overflow.

Use your sixth sense to think,
Will you ever live in such a stink?
Ask yourself over and again,
Who has brought in all this pain?

We filled her up with plastic,
Not sparing space to make her majestic.
We failed to consider Mother Nature,
Nor any of her creature.

We had time to mend our way,
  But,  yet we let it go far away.
She warned us again and again,
To show us that she was in pain.
We paid no heed to it,
That's the reason we are in a pit.

When floods and tsunamis struck in full glory,
We saw her at the peak of fury.
The landslides, earthquakes and rains,
Were to remind us of the inflicted pains.

Hey mankind! Stop, think and proceed,
Without nature, we can't  succeed.
Let's pledge not to break the food chain,
Instead join hands to build and gain.
Let's revive the greenery
To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Save mother Earth.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Quest for Peace.

The new dawn breaks with a golden hue.
The morning silence is broken with the chirping of birds and yet another day begins...
The maddening crowd, the traffic snarls, the stress and strain of busy life makes life monotonous.
Mounting work pressure, Expectations from superiors, anticipation of future fills the day
The lunch break filled with discussions, is it the food for the soul?
The tireless wait for the evening to get back to the sweet home,
 those wonderful moments to be spent is broken with expectations .
Each one clamouring to get where others have gotten.
Slowly creeps the night bringing calmness into the fold.
 The shy moon peeps behind the clouds, shining star adorn the milky way.
 Cool breeze enlighten the spirit, the calm mind awakens, though, for a short period, knowing nothing is permanent, yet we strive on to find the ultimate truth that's far beyond the reach.
Life itself is a mystery ,that needs to be understood, then will the quest give way
for peace to prevail.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Oldage - A gift of wisdom.

'Old is gold' is often said
but what about oldage, is
it not a wealth to treasure?
As children , we have heard
our grandparents narrate tales
which is full of wisdom,
that enlighten's us to the truth of life.
How can we forget to value them,
as they hold many keys to unfold the
treasure, hidden within them.
The memories that do not fade,
with passing age, the hope, the wait
none is too long, for patiently they move ahead,
for a new dawn to break.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Joy of being a teacher.

I wander through the wood aimlessly,
seeking for an unknown pleasure.
I stop, ponder, what am I looking for,
the unwinding path stares at me,
the sound of birds,  whistle of the wind,
the soft read mud beneath my feet,
awakens me from my deep thoughts.
It makes me realize the true purpose
of my existence.
God created me to open up
the ignorant minds and spread knowledge.
And I instantly decide that the best way
to achieve this is by being a teacher.
This is a profession where you can
share the little things experienced in life.
Interact and learn more to widen the horizon.
Not only does this bring joy
but also mental satisfaction
that no other things can give in life.
Blessed to be a teacher.